can or could

I wouldn’t if

I, Me, Myself, and My 修辞手法 metaphor,analogy,allusion Maybe a good analogy here is bar codes and serial numbers. Take an iPod in a store. On the packaging will be a bar code. This tells the store what the product is, so when it is scanned, the system knows exactly what the product is and what it costs. It might even be able to know what color it is or where it was kept in the store. All iPod of this same type has the exact same barcode on them. The iPod will also have a serial number on it which is absolutely unique to any other iPod (or any other device) in the world. The serial number doesn't know the price. It could, but for the store, this wouldn't be a very efficient way to store and use that data. Much easier to use the barcode, so that for example, if the price changed, you could just change the price for that bar code and not every individual serial number in your system. This is much like ID's and Classes. Information that is reusable should be kept in a class and information that is totally unique should be kept in an ID.

Vowel Consonant 动词的形式有多种:动词原形、动词三单、动词过去时、动词的现在分词、过去分词 以do为例,对应 do, does, did, doing, done Tense Present simple and Present continuous, Present Perfect and past simple (Stative Verbs: Verbs that describe states rather than actions are normally only used in the simple form, i.e. verbs of thinking(e.g. know,agree), verbs of appearance(e.g. look,seem), feeling(e.g. prefer,want), possession(e.g. own,belong), the senses(e.g. taste,sound). Some stative verbs can sometimes be used in the continuous form, but with a change in meaning: I'm seeing Bob on Monday=I am meeting Bob)

Closed Question / Open Question / Tag Question / Choice Question / Declarative statements with rising intonation Answering Tag Questions If you were wrong, admit it. You won't lose dignity but will gain respect.

compound predicate Comparative and Superlative

# Phrase

A phrase is two or more words that do not contain the subject-verb pair necessary to form a clause. Phrases can be very short or quite long. Certain phrases have specific names based on the type of word that begins or governs the word group: noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase, infinitive phrase, participle phrase(present participle and past participle), gerund phrase, and absolute phrase. to-infinitive preposition phrase

what happens what happened what has happened In the sentences below, the pronoun 'it' functions as an object, not as a subject. Objects do not agree in number with (what appear to be) verbs:

  1. I will make it happens.
  2. You should let it happens.
  3. I will make it happen.
  4. You should let it happen.
    Below, the word 'he' functions as a subject, and so the verb agrees in number with its subject:
  5. I wish (that) he succeeds. <but the semantics seem awkward to me; shouldn't it be 'I hope'?>
  6. I wish (that) he succeed.
    what happened vs what has happened He said that he was tired He said he has no feeling of me He didn't do what he said he did He has done what he said he would do he said he had done with me You should have some way to assess how the work being done Go to where the actual work is being done how the work has been done It's been really busy here all day. she just got here

I knew they would... If I knew then what I know now.

Arthur Anderson Consulting found it difficult to agree the requirements with BSkyB and produce a detailed requirement specification. This in turn lead to delays in producing the architectural design and ultimately the software code. I will appreciate it if you will beside, besides

1.(It's) The simplest approach to formally developing software. Here it is : "Because of the links between the Type A behavior pattern and heart disease, various approaches have been taken to changing this pattern of behavior." extend reading: to doing sth,此时to是介词,有很多常用搭配 2.will do VS will be doing SLA said it will not be giving the club an alternative site for another golf course, but may offer it another area for social uses. [box title=""] will do 简单陈述将来要发生的动作; 而will be doing则强调将来发生这种动作的状态,及在此状态或背景下可能发生的其它动作。 The train will arrive in a few minutes. 一般将来时,仅指火车几分钟就要到达的客观事实 The train will be arriving in a few minutes. 将来进行时,指火车几分钟后到站的那种状态,可暗含做好准备上车,接人什么的意味。 如: The train will be arriving in a few minutes, let's be ready to get on board. 对比: I will study English = 陈述将来的一个事实,将来的某个时间我会学英语。 I will be studying English =我在学习英语的时候,可能有其它事情发生。如: I will be studying English when you come to pick me up. [/box] 3.Provided/Providing that ..... Provided that the funding is obtained, the company intends to produce a first version of the production system in the following three months. IF, EVEN IF, ONLY IF, AS LONG AS, PROVIDED, SUPPOSING, UNLESS, BUT FOR, IF NECESSARY, IF SO, IN CASE etc.

Pied-piping with inversion 伴随法则 To whom could we direct our questions?

as spoken bob and I , bob and me, bob and someone else, someone is *** regret (not) to do / regret (not) doing regret doing / regret having done