# 市场

  • Atomicals https://twitter.com/atomicalsxyz https://docs.atomicals.xyz/ https://github.com/atomicals/atomicals-js
  • Wizz Wallet(前 ATOM Wallet)钱包;https://wizzwallet.io
  • 铸造代打平台;https://satsx.io https://mirror.xyz/0x69c45F2ef4B15548451A01640bDBB3ED7B613E43/uP24w4QLVm6vOGRVKHRtVLvvg3M-tbJ-vjQ56Gp7678
  • 官方域名查询;https://realm.name/punk
  • ATOM 铭文浏览器;https://atomicalmarket.com/atomical/0
  • fees https://mempool.space/

三大市场: https://atomicalmarket.com https://satsx.io https://satsx.io/wallet/atomicals https://bitatom.io

# arc protocol

Text Atomicals Ordinals Ethereum ERC721
Value Proposition Digital Objects Digital Artifacts Digital Collectibles
Blockchains Bitcoin and all UTXO blockchains Bitcoin and all UTXO blockchains Ethereum EVM compatible blockchains
Mint Technique Bitcoin: Commit & reveal w/ "atom" envelope. Bitcoin: Commit & reveal w/ "ord" envelope. Fund and deploy contract account
Data Storage Store one or multiple files upon minting Store only one file upon minting Not defined
Dynamic State Define and update app state for basic and any complex file types Not defined - can be defined on app specific basis Not defined - can be programmed up front
Validation Validation currently through the indexing service "electrumx" - in theory it's possible to validate 100% client-side. Validation currently through the indexing service "ord" - in theory it's possible to validate 100% client-side. Trusts Ethereum EVM nodes or in practice trust Metamask or Infura
Indexing Validation relies on elecrumx atomicals indexer (Python) at the moment for tracking ordinal numbering system. Validation relies on ord indexer (Rust) at the moment for tracking ordinal numbering system. Uses native Ethereum EVM nodes or in practice trust Metamask or Infura
Address Format P2TR (Taproot) addresses required for mint and updates. P2TR (Taproot) addresses are required for all uses such as mint and transfers Uses native Ethereum Account address.
Collections First-class "Container" NFT for updating collections, sealable permanently. Not defined but is in progress with parent-child relationships Defined as separate ERC
Atomics Swaps Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PBSTs) Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PBSTs) Defined as separate ERC
Fungible Tokens First-class "ARC20" using Satoshis as unit of account. Decentralized and direct minting modes available. Built-in ticker name service Not provided in base protocol. "BRC20" creates a JSON protocol in an Inscription to define the decentralized mint rules and ticker name. Defined as ERC20 type tokens
Name Service Realms are first-class NFTs that represent domain names and digital identities. A new naming standard with no domain suffix, starts with plus "+" sign like +username Not provided in base protocol. ".names" and ".sats" protocols exist as JSON protocol in an Inscription to define the claim and update rules. Existing services such as ENS and Unstoppable Domains

# ARC20 挖矿

# Download the github repo:
git clone https://github.com/atomicals/atomicals-js.git

cd atomicals-js

# Build:
# If you don't have yarn & node installed
# npm install -g node
# npm install -g yarn

yarn install
yarn run build

#See all commands at:

yarn run cli --help

执行命令:yarn cli wallet-init
成功执行后会新建一个wallets文件夹,文件夹下有一个 wallet.json 文件,编辑文件,

开始挖矿: 执行 yarn cli mint-dft quark --satsbyte=100



1. 固定gas,循环执行。适合追求简单快捷的同学。
while true; do
	yarn cli mint-dft quark --satsbyte=$fee

保存以上代码到loop.sh,放在atomicals-js文件夹下,然后执行。Windows需要安装git bash环境。
2. 智能gas,循环执行。适合有一定基础的同学。
import requests
def get_bitcoin_gas_fee():
	# URL to get the latest Bitcoin fees information
	url = "https://mempool.space/api/v1/fees/recommended"
		response = requests.get(url)
		# Check if the request was successful
		if response.status_code == 200:
			hour_fee=fees_data.get('hourFee', 90)
			print (fees_data)
			return hour_fee
			return "Error: Unable to fetch fees data. Status code: + str(response.status_code)
	except Exception as e:
		return 90
if __name__ == '__main__':
	# Get the current Bitcoin gas fee
	current_bitcoin_gas_fee = get_bitcoin_gas_fee()
Part-1: 保存以上代码到gas.py,放置于atomicals-js文件夹下。运行pip3 install requests安装依赖。该 python脚本会请求实时的gas。
while true; do
	# Run the Python script and capture the output fee=$(python3 gas.py)
	if [[ $fee -lt 100 ]]; then
		echo "Fee is $fee. Let's go!"
		# Run your npm script with the fee
		yarn cli mint-dft quark --satsbyte=$fee
		echo "Fee is $fee, too high. Let's wait." 
		sleep 300

Part-2: 保存以上代码到loop.sh,放置于atomicals-js文件夹下。该脚本会在gas小于100时,找一个合适 的gas值运行mint命令。Windows执行需要git bash环境,也需要安装python3。

# Realm Names

Realm Names are human-readable identifiers which can be used to associate network addresses and resource information. A Realm name begins with the plus + sign and has at least one alphabetical character, such as +alice and +agent007 which are both valid names (top-level-realms or TLRs) in the Realm Name System (RNS). Realm names are self-owned and self-managed directly on the Bitcoin blockchain using the Atomicals Digital Object format — which basically means that there is no middle man or centralized registrar. Once you claim a name, it's yours forever or until you transfer it to someone else.


You can query and search Realm names on https://realm.name

git clone https://github.com/atomicals/atomicals-js.git
cd atomicals-js
npm install
npm run build
npm run cli wallet-init
npm run cli wallets
npm run cli mint-realm "myrealmname"

#Query Realm name
npm run cli get +myrealmname

#You can query the global feed of registered Realms and Atomicals
npm run cli list

# Troubleshooting

# Q&A

1.为什么ARC20资产会燃烧? ARC20作为BTC上的铭文,它的本质与普通BTC别无二致,只是这些聪带有了特殊的ARC20标记, 从而在索引里会被识别为铭文。 因此当ARC20资产和普通BTC混合在一起的时候,有一定几率,ARC20的铭文会被作为普通的BTC 花出去。这种铭文被不小心损耗的现象,叫做铭文燃烧。

2.如何避免ARC20资产被燃烧? a. 必须使用可以识别ARC20资产的钱包,如Wizz, Unisat。 b. 推荐ARC20铭文与普通BTC资产分开存放。 c. 如果要从钱包包含ARC20铭文的钱包中转出资产/BTC,请确保钱包里有足够的gas (去掉ARC20 资产意外的非铭文BTC)。 d. 如果要从刚刚交易过的,包含ARC20的钱包中转出资产/BTC,请等待ARC20的索引确认。什么 叫等待索引确认?就是钱包里你可以能看到正确的ARC20数量。比如刚买了10张夸克,一定要等 你确认看到了这10张夸克,再去操作你的钱包。

3.夸克之战之后,我现在手里有多个Atomicals的funding钱包,里面的钱能转出来吗? 可以。把funding钱包的私钥导入普通的BTC钱包,把钱转出来。私钥就是Atomicals-js文件夹下面 wallets/wallet.json中Funding对应的WIF。

  1. 我手里的Primary钱包里有打废的铭文,可以转出来吗? 可以。把Primary钱包的私钥导入普通的BTC钱包,把钱转出来。私钥就是Atomicals-js文件夹下面 wallets/wallet.json中Primary对应的WIF。

  2. Atomicals-js文件夹下的wallets/wallet.json如何理解? O wallet.json的初始结构是一组你的钱包,它由一组助记词+Primary钱包+Funding钱包组 成。 O 三者是绑定关系,因为由助记词是可以间接推算得到这两个钱包的。 o 可以整体转移wallet.json中的内容,但是修改其中一部分是不行的。 O 任意修改其中一个钱包,程序是会报错的,因为程序会校验它们的关系。

  3. 夸克之战之后,我有多组钱包,我怎么能再接下来的mint中使用它们? 请研究一下 yarn cli wallet import <钱包WIF> <钱包名称> 这个命令,它可以导入别的钱 包,这个钱包可以用来支付gas fee,也可以用来接收铭文。你可以导入多个钱包。

  4. 我如何用当前这个funding钱包出gas,铭文打进我的另一个归集铭文的钱包(非当前Primary 钱包)? 首先把你的另一个钱包根据6中的命令导入,然后在未来mint铭文的过程中尝试以下命令: yarn cli mint-dft dragon --satsbyte 60 --initialowner <导入钱包名称>

  5. 我如何用我的另一个funding钱包中的钱付gas,铭文打进当前的Primary钱包? 首先把你的另一个钱包根据6中的命令导入,然后在未来mint铭文的过程中尝试以下命令: yarn cli mint-dft dragon --satsbyte 60 --funding <导入钱包名称>

9.为什么我的钱包里明明有余额,却无法继续打铭文了? Atomicals-js提醒我余额不足。 你的钱包里有余额,但是没有单笔utxo的余额满足当前铭文的需求。你需要归集小额utxo,推荐阅 读:BTC"废“铭文价值回收 & OKX & Sparrow使用技巧 。

# SyntaxError....yarn-metadata.json Unexpected token '', is not valid json

yarn cache clean

# 500 error

open .env and replace https://ep.atomicals.xyz/proxy to https://ep.atomicalmarket.com/proxy

ElectrumX API and Public Endpoints (opens new window)