# Kafka Client Compatibility
Bidirectional Client Compatibility is now supported, you don't need to worry about the compatibility matrix anymore, for KIP-35 enabled clients, any version are good, KIP-35 is released from Broker protocol - 0.10.0, Java clients - 0.10.2 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55691662/determine-the-kafka-client-compatibility-with-kafka-broker#/
https://spring.io/projects/spring-kafka org.springframework.kafka org.apache.kafka https://www.cnblogs.com/wangb0402/p/6187796.html
# Versions
# 2.3.0
Kafka 2.3.0 includes a number of significant new features. Here is a summary of some notable changes:
- There have been several improvements to the Kafka Connect REST API.
- Kafka Connect now supports incremental cooperative rebalancing.
- Kafka Streams now supports an in-memory session store and window store.
- The AdminClient now allows users to determine what operations they are authorized to perform on topics.
- There is a new broker start time metric.
- JMXTool can now connect to secured RMI ports.
- An incremental AlterConfigs API has been added. The old AlterConfigs API has been deprecated.
- We now track partitions which are under their min ISR count.
- Consumers can now opt-out of automatic topic creation, even when it is enabled on the broker.
- Kafka components can now use external configuration stores (KIP-421).
- We have implemented improved replica fetcher behavior when errors are encountered.
# 2.4.0
Kafka 2.4.0 includes a number of significant new features. Here is a summary of some notable changes:
- Allow consumers to fetch from closest replica.
- Support for incremental cooperative rebalancing to the consumer rebalance protocol.
- MirrorMaker 2.0 (MM2), a new multi-cluster, cross-datacenter replication engine.
- New Java authorizer Interface.
- Support for non-key joining in KTable.
- Administrative API for replica reassignment.
# 2.5.0
Kafka 2.5.0 includes a number of significant new features. Here is a summary of some notable changes:
- TLS 1.3 support (1.2 is now the default)
- Co-groups for Kafka Streams
- Incremental rebalance for Kafka Consumer
- New metrics for better operational insight
- Upgrade Zookeeper to 3.5.7
- Deprecate support for Scala 2.11
# 2.6.0
Kafka 2.6.0 includes a number of significant new features. Here is a summary of some notable changes:
- TLSv1.3 has been enabled by default for Java 11 or newer
- Significant performance improvements, especially when the broker has large numbers of partitions
- Smooth scaling out of Kafka Streams applications
- Kafka Streams support for emit on change
- New metrics for better operational insight
- Kafka Connect can automatically create topics for source connectors when configured to do so
- Improved error reporting options for sink connectors in Kafka Connect
- New Filter and conditional SMTs in Kafka Connect
- The default value for the
configuration is nowuse_all_dns_ips
- Upgrade Zookeeper to 3.5.8
# 2.7.0
Kafka 2.7.0 includes a number of significant new features. Here is a summary of some notable changes:
- Configurable TCP connection timeout and improve the initial metadata fetch
- Enforce broker-wide and per-listener connection creation rate (KIP-612, part 1)
- Throttle Create Topic, Create Partition and Delete Topic Operations
- Add TRACE-level end-to-end latency metrics to Streams
- Add Broker-side SCRAM Config API
- Support PEM format for SSL certificates and private key
- Add RocksDB Memory Consumption to RocksDB Metrics
- Add Sliding-Window support for Aggregations
public class PolyProducer<K, V> implements Producer<K, V> {
public void sendOffsetsToTransaction(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets,
ConsumerGroupMetadata groupMetadata) throws ProducerFencedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
# Features
# Incremental rebalance
explained: https://www.confluent.io/blog/incremental-cooperative-rebalancing-in-kafka/
stop-the-world rebalancing =>
# Upgrade Zookeeper
# Significant performance improvements, especially when the broker has large numbers of partitions
# Configurable TCP connection timeout and improve the initial metadata fetch
# Enforce broker-wide and per-listener connection creation rate (KIP-612, part 1)
# Throttle Create Topic, Create Partition and Delete Topic Operations
Expose Consumer Group Metadata for Transactional Producer https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9383 https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/7906