标点符号 http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/trans/2010-09/08/content_11276232.htm calculus ˈkælkjələs [医] 结石,石,积石,牙垢; [数]运算,演算,微积分(学); curriculum kəˈrɪkjələm 全部课程,课程 均匀分布 evenly/uniform distribution convolutional 卷积码,褶积码 orthogonal ɔ:’θɒgənl [数] 直角的; 矩形的; 直交的; 互相垂直的; taxonomy (a strict hierarchical categorization) vs folksonomy curvature 曲率; 弯曲; 曲度; 弯曲部分; polygon triangulation coordinate axis system quadrant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrant_(plane_geometry) quadratic function (parabolic) axis of symmetry(对称中轴线) vertex(顶点,抛物线顶点) Chart: Radar Bar Pie Polar Area Doughnut Line bracket double braces regularly proportional 成正比例 inversely proportional 反比 denominator 分母 delimiter 分节符 oval rhombus diamond rectangle 对角线方向 Describe Data graph: sharply gradually , fluctuate, peaks(峰值)valley, decline http://forum.wordreference.com/threads/terms-to-describe-a-graph.2403210/
proportion dimension angular radial invariant variance divergence convergence diameter daɪˈæmɪtə(r) 直径 multiplicity vs cardinality http://the-difference-between.com/cardinality/multiplicity notation oval shape granularity 粒度 fine-grained 细粒度 ratio accumulation permutation and combination 排列组合 Normal distribution bell curve
This is a pretty straightforward collapse operation where we make the elements arrange themselves in a vertical fashion as opposed to horizontally. I’ll only depict the operative element. Any markup within it that is not immediately relevant will be truncated [it’s still there but I just won’t show it] and replaced with the HTML comment with caption ‘MARKUP TRUNCATED’ [I’ll also do the same for Javascript code with caption ‘CODE TRUNCATED’]. Now this task is a real doozy. We’re going to need to enable two different navigational systems, one for the original website, and the other for the mobile website. However, they have to consume the same markup space.
userland code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_space concurrent vs parallel https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/190719/the-difference-between-concurrent-and-parallel-execution scope creep screen scraping or screen crawling We’re planning to make some changes to our Terms of Service to stop companies from scraping profile information from multiple websites and spamming users. http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/277369/a-terms-of-service-update-restricting-companies-that-scrape-your-profile-informa extract (get retrieve) Using web scraper tools to extract flight information from the ** website populate (fill) strikethrough
punctuation delimiter 分界符 wildcard 通配符 metric Velocity vertical/horizontal, portrait/landscape portrait shape, landscape orientation, The terms portrait and landscape refer to different orientations of the paper – whether it is oriented vertically or horizontally. A page with portrait orientation, typical for letters, memos, and other text documents, is taller than it is wide. Columns may be circular or polygonal in cross section, and are generally at least four times more taller than they are wide partition line / break line 分割线 dotted line … dashed line —- compart 分隔若干份 compartment (different with cell ?) 1.a separate section or part of a structure or container. synonyms: section, part, partition 2.an area in which something can be considered in isolation from other things. synonyms: domain, field, sphere, realm, area, department, sector, section, division, part Attributes should be shown in their respective compartments in the class symbols. increment decrement cumulative preliminary version Tree Stucture ontology stick figure 火柴人 You must first of all obtain a list of all the sub-areas contained within specified area(including all their sub-areas, and so on for all levels of containment) Although the links between objects may be duplicated, introducing some redundancy, it is useful if traversal of the hierarchy has to take place in both direction, i.e. if it necessary to be able to go from a child to its parents as well as from a parent to its children. Possible problem is loss of consistency(i.e. A links to B but not vice versa), due to programming/maintenance errors. 反转 inversion 不可逆 irrevocably sealed 隔离 绝缘 insulate Database interactions should be encapsulated within private methods, insulating the consumer from the details of the database and its associated tables. A factory is the location of a concrete class in the code at which objects are constructed. The intent in employing the pattern is to insulate the creation of objects from their usage and to create families of related objects without having to depend on their concrete classes. 隔离 孤立isolate The Repository pattern helps to isolate both the service and the list access code. Isolation makes it easier to treat them as independent services and to replace them with mock objects in unit tests. segregate congregate shrink & zoom & magnification(放大率) & resolution(分辨率) shrink :
outsourcing subcontract architecture guideline artifacts Artifacts and Deliverables inception elaboration construction transition utilize facilitate perspective perform activities verification and validation assessment and certification reflect impact feasibility acceptability suitability maintainability extensibility reusability Increased-Productivity enhanced-quality clarity elgance rigidity fragility immobility effectiveness & efficiency authorization & authentication nature/characteristics dummy data annotate semantic resolve(解析) interoperate intermediate interrelated ~relevant irrelevant interchangeable pre-populate propagate : product quantity is changed but not propagated incorporated into the system commission dominate establish a substantial user base compartment refactoring restructure multiplicity cardinality facilitate replicate/reproduce(重现/重复) duplicate Geographical areas may overlap and intersect liberally. legacy obsolete vs deprecate Vecotr and HashTable are legacy classes corresponding to ArrayList and HashMap arbitrary ordering natural ordering comparison criteria clash / conflict The codes for the three patterns are stored in separate folders with appropriate namespaces so that there would not be clashes in entity names. identical / same You may use the other menu items to run and test the other patterns which also perform identical function. rules violation validation sketch a diagram state the name identity the views depict : Singapore’s multi-racial diversity is also depicted in the coin design. The obverse design features the Singapore Coat of Arms. tabulate search results pertain optimal capacity low frequency words: volatile transient prevail / exsits duplex pattern suitable for situations where workflow like situation prevails. scope comply with conform to mitigate oversight prescribe scaffolding streamline restructure centralize rationalize orchestrate and streamline the business processes forces/considerations/constraints
D3.js is a JavaScript library that is widely used in data visualisation and animation. The power of d3.js and its flexibility, comes at the expense of its steep learning curve. There are some libraries built on top of it that provide numerous off-the-shelf charts in order to make the users’ life easier, however, learning to work with d3.js is essential sometimes, especially when you need to create sophisticated and custom visualisations. If you are not familiar with d3.js, you can read this introduction. In brief, just like jQuery and other DOM manipulation frameworks, it allows you to dynamically manipulate the properties and attributes of your HTML document elements. Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop here. Its power comes from two additional functionality. It can also create and manipulate SVG elements, and it can also bind the DOM or SVG elements to arrays of data, so that any changes in that data will be reflected on those elements they are binded to. There are numerous SVG shapes, such as circles, rectangles, paths and texts. Those shapes serve as the building blocks of your visualisations. For example, a bar chart is composed of multiple rectangles. while a scatter plot is made of circles scattered in different parts of you drawing area. You may also want to see this interactive tutorial about creating and manipulation SVG elements, as well as binding them to data arrays. - See more at: http://schoolofdata.org/2013/10/01/pie-and-donut-charts-in-d3-js ———————————- The system shall be capable of performing optimally when the following are simultaneously using the system performing typical tasks. Spiral Model(unit-1 prototype) The model reflects the underlying concept that each cycle involves a progression that addresses the same sequence of steps for each portion of the product and for each of its levels of elaboration. WorkFlow: State Machine https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg983472(v=vs.110).aspx Drag an Assign activity from the Primitives section of the Toolbox and drop onto the Exit section of the state. Type Turns into the To box and Turns + 1 into the Enter a C# expression or Enter a VB expression box. Return to the overall state machine view in the workflow designer by clicking StateMachine in the breadcrumb display at the top of the workflow designer. Drag a FinalState activity from the State Machine section of the Toolbox, hover it over the Enter Guess state, and drop it onto the triangle that appears to the right of the Enter Guess state so that a transition is created between Enter Guess and FinalState. The default name of the transition is T2. Click the transition in the workflow designer to select it, and set its DisplayName to Guess Correct. Then click and select the FinalState, and drag it to the right so that there is room for the full transition name to be displayed without overlaying either of the two states. This will make it easier to complete the remaining steps in the tutorial. Double-click the newly renamed Guess Correct transition in the workflow designer to expand it. Drag a ReadInt activity from the NumberGuessWorkflowActivities section of the Toolbox and drop it in the Trigger section of the transition. In the Properties Window for the ReadInt activity, type “EnterGuess” including the quotes into the BookmarkName property value box, and type Guess into the Result property value box Type the following expression into the Guess Correct transition’s Condition property value box. instruction of create work flow https://lyhistory.com/archives/808.html tutorial of mulesoft https://lyhistory.com/archives/1187.html instruction of create instruction of ‘Insert a section break’ in word https://support.office.com/en-US/article/Insert-a-section-break-EEF20FD8-E38C-4BA6-A027-E503BDF8375C help of github https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ [/accordion_item] denote indicate imply implicate annotate state evaluate assess appraise https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_is_the_difference_between_assessment_appraisal_and_evaluation Pascal/camel casing These are relatively standard IT system requirements. cut-over period 切换期间 intelligent error reporting data capture - the action or process of gathering data, especially from an automatic device, control system, or sensor. data dump - a large amount of data transferred from one system or location to another. data replication - is the frequent electronic copying data from a database in one computer or server to a database in another so that all users share the same level of information. The result is a distributed database in which users can access data relevant to their tasks without interfering with the work of others. dummy data - In Informatics, dummy data is benign information that does not contain any useful data, but serves to reserve space where real data is nominally present. Dummy data can be used as a placeholder for both testing and operational purposes. The Manual system is slow to operate and has resulted in either inadequate stocks of furniture being available to meet demand, or excessive stocks of furniture being built up. You can use an app to show your own customized, glanceable display of signal strength
data silo data vault data warehouse
epoch[ˈi:pɒk 时期; 纪元; 世; 新时代; epoch iteration https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/201951328759691645.html
Man accidentally ‘deletes his entire company’ with one line of bad code http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/man-accidentally-deletes-his-entire-company-with-one-line-of-bad-code-a6984256.html Why do Chinese websites look so busy? https://econsultancy.com/blog/67466-why-do-chinese-websites-look-so-busy Drones http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/singapore/airbus-unit-caas-to-trial/2522846.html man-accidentally-deletes-his-entire-company-with-one-line-of-bad-code www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/man-accidentally-deletes-his-entire-company-with-one-line-of-bad-code-a6984256.html 2.1 million WeChat “false rumors” deleted daily https://walkthechat.com/centership-of-wechat-rumors-on-wechat-2-1million-rumors-deleated-daily/