visual studio code不是visual studio哦,这个工具实在是强大,可以开发各种程序: Python、c++、nodejs等等, 还有各种插件,比如PlatformIO,可以方便的开发各种硬件;

关于js npm eslint相关的安装参考《js_dev_overview》


1.1 快捷键:

ctrl+shift+P 调出command palette,各种命令自动补全

ctrl+P go to file

ctrl+shift+F Find in files

F5 Start Debugging

Ctrl+` / ctrl+shift+` Toggle Terminal

Go to Definition (F12) or Peek Definition (Alt+F12).

1.2 Command palette

theme: 设置color theme, file icon

language: markdown etc.

settings: Preferences: Open User Settings Preferences: Open Workspace Settings Preferences: Config language specific settings

git version control

2. Develop

2.1 常用


emmet abbreviation or emmet syntax shorthand syntax for web languages out of the box exclamation mark-!

Debugging in Visual Studio Code