
  1. 内核的引导

  2. 运行 init

  1. 系统初始化

  2. 建立终端

  3. 用户登录系统

Linux 系统启动过程


cat /etc/os-release


hostnamectl status

LVS - Linux Virtual Server,即 Linux 虚拟服务器, Linux2.4 内核以后,LVS 已经是 Linux 标准内核的一部分

uname -a

linux show architecture uname -m



cat /proc/cpuinfo



a. on-CPU:执行中,执行中的时间通常又分为用户态时间user和系统态时间sys。 b. off-CPU:等待下一轮上CPU,或者等待I/O、锁、换页等等,其状态可以细分为可执行、匿名换页、睡眠、锁、空闲等状态。



mpstat -P ALL 1

vmstat 1

pidstat -u 1 -p pid

perf top -p pid -e cpu-clock

strace -c -p pid

strace -T -e epoll_wait -p pid



从软件和硬件角度去看内存 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Br7uEIz_LOJXg8v7CXJKgQ





free -m

vmstat 1


pidstat -p pid -r 1

pmap -d pid

valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --log-file=./log.txt  ./程序名

cat /proc/meminfo

top shift+E 切换 bytes Mb Gb

top - 17:14:51 up 419 days, 41 min, 1 user, load average: 1.51, 1.40, 1.42 Tasks: 302 total, 1 running, 301 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 9.1 us, 0.4 sy, 0.0 ni, 90.4 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st GiB Mem : 62.8 total, 16.9 free, 13.6 used, 32.2 buff/cache GiB Swap: 20.0 total, 20.0 free, 0.0 used. 48.1 avail Mem

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 19363 flink 20 0 15.7g 7.1g 60792 S 147.0 11.4 1929:48 java 2650 kafka 20 0 10.2g 1.2g 17980 S 2.3 1.8 39:12.25 java


GiB Mem total = free+used+buff/cache


virt RES SHR

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-WG0kjK_YQxrXuPi-OebsQ https://wallenotes.github.io/2018/01/04/Linux/%E5%86%85%E5%AD%98/memory-standard-segment-layout/ https://www.orchome.com/298




iostat -d -x -k 1 10

pidstat -d 1 -p  pid

perf record -e block:block_rq_issue -ag
perf report

文件描述符 fd

cd /proc/pid/fd


网络的监测是所有 Linux 子系统里面最复杂的,有太多的因素在里面,比如:延迟、阻塞、冲突、丢包等,更糟的是与 Linux 主机相连的路由器、交换机、无线信号都会影响到整体网络并且很难判断是因为 Linux 网络子系统的问题还是别的设备的问题,增加了监测和判断的复杂度。现在我们使用的所有网卡都称为自适应网卡,意思是说能根据网络上的不同网络设备导致的不同网络速度和工作模式进行自动调整。


netstat -s

netstat -nu

netstat -apu

netstat -a | awk '/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}'

ss -t -a

ss -s

//显示所有udp sockets
ss -u -a

sar -n TCP,ETCP 1

sar -n DEV 1

tcpdump -i eth1 host and port 80 

tcpflow -cp host


火焰图(Flame Graph是 Bredan Gregg 创建的一种性能分析图表。

火焰图主要是用来展示 CPU的调用栈。

yum install systemtap systemtap-runtime

//内核调试库必须跟内核版本对应,例如:uname -r 2.6.18-308.el5

debuginfo-install --enablerepo=debuginfo search kernel
debuginfo-install --enablerepo=debuginfo  search glibc

git clone https://github.com/lidaohang/quick_location.git
cd quick_location

Appendix: init system: systemd

This powerful suite of software can manage many aspects of your server, from services to mounted devices and system states.

Units can be said to be similar to services or jobs in other init systems. However, a unit has a much broader definition, as these can be used to abstract services, network resources, devices, filesystem mounts, and isolated resource pools.

type of Units:


If you wish to override only specific directives from the system’s unit file, you can actually provide unit file snippets within a subdirectory. These will append or modify the directives of the system’s copy, allowing you to specify only the options you want to change.

The correct way to do this is to create a directory named after the unit file with .d appended on the end. So for a unit called example.service, a subdirectory called example.service.d could be created. Within this directory a file ending with .conf can be used to override or extend the attributes of the system’s unit file.

Template unit files are, in most ways, no different than regular unit files. However, these provide flexibility in configuring units by allowing certain parts of the file to utilize dynamic information that will be available at runtime.
Template unit files can be identified because they contain an @ symbol after the base unit name and before the unit type suffix. A template unit file name may look like this:
[email protected]
When an instance is created from a template, an instance identifier is placed between the @ symbol and the period signifying the start of the unit type. For example, the above template unit file could be used to create an instance unit that looks like this:
[email protected]

[Unit] Section Directives

[Install] Section Directives

Unit-Specific Section Directives

Sandwiched between the previous two sections, you will likely find unit type-specific sections. The device, target, snapshot, and scope unit types have no unit-specific directives, and thus have no associated sections for their type.

The [Service] Section

The Type= directive can be one of the following:

The [Socket] Section

The [Mount] Section

The [Automount] Section

The [Swap] Section

The [Path] Section

The [Timer] Section

The [Slice] Section


Clock drift

ntpd is preferred over ntpdate:

NTPDATE corrects the system time instantaneously, which can cause problems with some software (e.g. destroying a session which now appears old). NTPD intentionally corrects the system time slowly, avoiding that problem. You can add the -g switch when starting NTPD to allow NTPD to make the first time update a big one which is more or less equivalent to running ntpdate once before starting NTPD, which at one time was recommended practice.

Linux内核架构和工作原理 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Vrl_pUTRY0bLUN0fQYynDQ

Linux 问题故障定位 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/j1Hx199SWasofY_br0Mktg