随着逐渐深入,可能大家注意到我之前“漏掉”了一个关键的知识链条,就是 签名Signature 的生成,签名的目的是证明你拥有该私钥,普通软件中签名是证明你是该信息或文档的拥有者,而对于不比特币来说,签名是证明你是这笔资金的拥有者,即你有权限使用该私钥控制的资金,

所以我现在有必要对比特币用到的椭圆曲线函数 ecc以及相应的签名算法 ecdsa 展开讲解,同时我会讲解一个实例,就是应alphawallet CTO 张韡武学长的邀请开发的一个小工具:express of trust address

Digital Signature

数字签名,又称公钥数字签名,是一种用于验证数字消息或文档的真实性的数学方案,具体来说是对消息或者文档的digest摘要进行签名计算生成的数字,有效的数字签名具有以下属性 :

虽然不能篡改签名,但很多digital signature 算法都不能免疫于 forgery/replay attack 伪造攻击,因为当Alice做了足够的多的签名,黑客Craig可以从从选择某个签名和信息对,作为中间人replay发给Bob,所以签名只是一方面,整个程序的安全性还需要建立在整体的设计上,比如比特币就不会受到forgery attack的影响,如果受影响就相当于出现double spend,而这个正是比特币的设计所避免的。

Note: 关于哈希 Hash Function和MAC-message authentication codes

哈希方法 Hash Function是不带key的/keyless,常用于最重要的两个应用: 数字签名 和 MAC-message authentication codes,

digital signature VS Hmac

- Hash MAC(keyed hash function) Digital signature
Integrity Yes Yes Yes
Authentication No Yes Yes
Non-repudiation No No Yes
Kind of keys None Symmetric Asymmetric

Message Authentication Code (MAC) 又称为keyed hash function以及cryptographic checksum

哈希方法length extension attack 长度延展攻击 像md5 sha1等基于 Merkle–Damgård construction 的哈希算法并不安全, 由此构造的MAC=》secret key prefix: BadMAC(secret,message)= H(secret ‖ message) is the concatenation of the Key and the Message.容易受到 length extension attack 长度延展攻击: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Length_extension_attack https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uy4y1h7Qr/ https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/3978/understanding-the-length-extension-attack

secret key suffix 虽然没有延展性攻击,但是存在birthday attack

安全的MAC实现: HMACk(x) = h[(k’⊕opad)||h[(k’⊕ipad)||x]].

secret key suffix VS HMAC

However, the big advantage of HMAC over H(m||k) is that collision-resistance of the underlying hashing function is not needed. https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/5725/why-is-hmk-insecure My opinion: the biggest advantage of hmac construction is that the attacker can’t compute hmac value without knowing the secret key while with H(m||s) attacker still can simply compute H(random messge) to find a collision(存在birthday attack)

RSA Signature



P.S. 有意思的是RSA后两个字母刚好跟 Signatrue Algorithm缩写一样,但实际上是 Rivest–Shamir–Adleman 三位大佬姓氏的缩写

RSA安全性是基于大素数分解问题 Large Prime factorization

Elgamal Digital Signature

Elgamal signature

其安全性是基于离散对数问题 discrete logarithms

DSA - Digital Service Standards

正如其名字本身数字签名算法,这是由美国国家标准学会提议与技术National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)基于Elgamal signature scheme 提出的美国联邦政府数字标准签名Digital Service Standards (DSS)

签名只有320位,但是签名验证比RSA慢,因为是基于Elgamal signature scheme 所以其安全性也是基于离散对数问题 discrete logarithms

ECDSA - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

ECDSA secp256k1


secp256k1’s elliptic curve y2 = x3 + ax+b (a=0,b=7) over the real numbers: the graph is

secp256k1 is actually defined over the field: y2 = x3+ax+b over Fp graph will in reality look like random scattered points…

https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/97df56f77c06813b1e028b5b1f2dbc036f27b1fc/ch04.asciidoc#L128 https://github.com/jimmysong/programmingbitcoin/blob/master/ch03.asciidoc

ECC位长度在160–256位的范围内, 其安全性与1024–3072位的RSA和DL相同,更短的位长,处理时间越短,并且签名也短,由于这些原因,1998年椭圆曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA)被ANSI 美国国家标准研究所进行了标准化。

ECDSA的构建步骤跟DSA很接近,但是其离散对数问题是构造在基于素数域Zp或者是伽罗华域 Galois fields GF(2^m) 的椭圆曲线上,所以在实际计算过程上完全跟DSA不同。




Sig = Fsig(Fhash(m),dA)

dA is the signing private key

m is the transaction

Fhash is the hashing function

Fsig is the signing algorithm

Sig is the resulting signature

The signing function (Fsig) produces a signature (Sig) that comprises of two values: R and S:

Sig = (R, S)

Once R and S have been calculated, they are serialized into a byte stream that is encoded using an international standard encoding scheme that is known as the Distinguished Encoding Rules (or DER). In order to verify that the signature is valid, a signature verification algorithm is used. Verification of a digital signature requires the following:

Signature (R and S)

Transaction hash

The public key that corresponds to the private key that was used to create the signature

Verification of a signature effectively means that only the owner of the private key (that generated the public key) could have produced the signature on the transaction. The signature verification algorithm will return ‘TRUE’ if the signature is indeed valid.

Sig = (R, S, SIGHASH) R and S are serialized into a byte-stream using an international standard encoding scheme called the Distinguished Encoding Rules, or DER. Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH): - ALL - NONE - SINGLE - ANYONECANPAY ECDSA Math AND The Importance of Randomness in Signatures If the same value k is used in the signing algorithm on two different transactions, the private key can be calculated and exposed to the world! To avoid this vulnerability, the industry best practice is to not generate k with a random-number generator seeded with entropy, but instead to use a deterministic-random process seeded with the transaction data itself. This ensures that each transaction produces a different k. The industry-standard algorithm for deterministic initialization of k is defined in RFC 6979, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force