回目录 《一句话科普主要的几个区块链项目》


当然你也可以直接去conibase免费学习虚拟币知识并免费获取一些虚拟币,点击开始 Learn crypto knowledge and earn btc in returns, click to start earning


比特币由中本聪(化名)创立于2009年,是一个点对点的数字货币系统,致力于重建具有隐私性和自治性的支付系统来避免银行和政府这些中间人的参与。 目的是允许个人和商户可以自由的“面对面”的直接交易。


Bitcoin, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, is a peer-to-peer digital currency system that endeavors to re-establish both privacy and autonomy by avoiding the banking and government middlemen. The goal is to allow individuals and merchants to generate and exchange modern money directly


以太坊是一个开源的公开的基于区块链的分布式计算平台和操作系统,支持智能合约, 简单来说,比特币只支持脚本语言,而以太坊是图灵完备的,意思是开发者可以像开发传统软件一样开发基于区块链的项目,所以这也是为什么以太坊拥有完整的生态和众多开发者的原因;



Ethereum is an open source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. It supports a modified version of Nakamoto consensus via transaction-based state transitions.


什么是Zcash? What is Zcash?

Zcash是由热爱比特币的密码学专家在2016年基于比特币源码创建的,加入了零知识证明; 实际上很多人误解比特币,比特币并不是真正的匿名支付,因为你可以从支付历史上清晰的看到从哪个账号转给哪个账号多少钱,这些都是完全公开的, 另外虽然只是一串地址,但是如果参与了交易所的交易,由于KNC要求,是可以追踪到某个人的真实信息的; 而Zcash则引入了另外一种方式,通过采用密码学的方式对支付记录进行了混淆,从而可以让支付路径无法被追踪(比如你网购了某些东西但是不想让别人知道你的真实信息),当然这也是很多政府可以容忍比特币但是不喜欢Zcash的原因;

Zcash is created in 2016 by cryptography experts who love bitcoin, but wanted the option to make transacgtions more private, so they took Bitcoin’s opensource code and enhanced it with a technology known as the “Zero-Knowledge Proof” Zcash and financial privacy Zcash was created because the team behind it believes that financial privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn why financial privacy is so important and how Zcash hopes to improve it.

Zcash的隐私性是怎么工作的? How does Zcash’s privacy work?

Zcash的“屏蔽”交易可以让你跟其他人转账但是不公开隐私的交易内容。Zcash有两种地址类型shielded地址和transparent地址, transparent地址是公开的,工作方式跟比特币地址一样,shielded地址则会隐藏交易信息,这依赖于零知识证明,零知识证明是密码学的突破, 大概意思就是我可以证明我知道某些事情但是不告诉你我具体知道什么,比如我可以证明我超过了18岁,但是不告诉你我的实际年龄;

Zcash’s shielded transactions let you exchange value without revealing your private financial information.



decred简写DCR, 是 decentralized credits缩写。

decred VS BTC,和比特币有什么异同?


另外一个好处就是削弱了矿工的绝对权利。相对于btc,我们知道btc有很多dork,btc cash,btc gold等等,都是因为矿工站队引起的,对于普通的btc持有者来说,很难参与到战队中,而decred的混合模型下,开发者对decred的任何修改和升级都要经过投票voting的过程,voting的过程也是普通的decred持有者互动下进行的;

因此Decred又被称为 Bitcoin with governance 即带有治理属性的比特币,甚至被称为真正的比特币,因为其更加符合比特币的设计初衷。

Basic Attention Token

Brave浏览器 The Brave web browser


Brave is a free, open-source web browser with several unique features.

Brave的使命是修复当今“被破坏的”web服务。 Brave is on a mission to fix what it believes is a broken web.

Brave和BAT:一种新的浏览方式 Brave and BAT: A new way to browse the web

Brave认为网上冲浪应该更快,更安全,更多隐私保护,并且没有广告的暴力植入。 Brave believes that surfing the web should be faster, more secure, and more private without intrusive ads.

BAT注意力币是如何工作的 How the Basic Attention Token works

BAT是基于以太坊的代币,当前的广告模式是,广告商找到百度谷歌这些搜索巨头,然后分发广告给网站等内容博主,然后搜索巨头从中获取巨额利益, 普通人被广告骚扰但是没有任何收益,内容博主也被剥削,BAT通过干掉中间商,让普通网友跟内容博主直接互动,普通网友通过浏览网站就可以获取BAT代币, 因为普通人花费了时间和注意力,所以这个叫做注意力代币,然后可以打赏给内容博主; The Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an Ethereum-based token that is designed to improve digital advertising on the web.


Stellar是一个连接银行、支付系统和用户的平台。 Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payment systems, and people.

什么是Stellar? What is Stellar?

一个联合世界上的金融机构的去中心化的协议,钱可以在银行、企业和用户之间快速和廉价的流转。 A decentralized protocol that unites the world’s financial infrastructure so money can flow quickly and cheaply between banks, businesses, and people.

什么是Stellar Lumens或XLM? What are Stellar Lumens (XLM)?

Stellar网络有自己的虚拟币:Stellar Lumens或XLM,目的是帮助基于Stellar网络的低费用的统一的支付。 The Stellar network has its own cryptocurrency, the Stellar Lumen. Lumens facilitate low-cost, universal payments on Stellar.

通过Stellar汇款 Sending remittances with Stellar

对于需要跨国给家人转账的用户来说,相对于传统的转账服务,Stellar提供了更便宜更快速的选择。 For people sending money to family members overseas, Stellar offers a cheaper, faster alternative to traditional money transfer services.

银行、企业和用户怎么使用Stellar How banks, businesses, & people use Stellar

Stellar允许银行、企业和用户将传统的资产比如美元欧元转成代币,这些代币可以通过Stellar网络迅速的在其他参与者之间转移和交换。 to issue, exchange and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently; Stellar lets banks, businesses, and people turn traditional assets, like dollars and euros, into tokens. These tokens can then be transferred and exchanged with any other participant on the Stellar network.

Stellar如何保护数字资产? How does Stellar protect digital assets?

Stellar上的数字资产是通过全球的去中心化的计算机网络节点运行Stellar的开源软件来保护的。这些计算机节点通过合作来验证交易的合法性并阻止非法交易。 Stellar的共识协议是基于可信节点的协作来确认交易,这个跟比特币是不同的,比特币是通过节点之间的挖矿竞争来确认交易。 Digital assets on Stellar are protected by a decentralized global network of computers running Stellar’s open source software. These computers cooperate to confirm legitimate transactions and prevent malicious ones. Stellar’s Consensus protocol relies on the coorperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions


EOSIO是为快速和免费的区块链应用而设计的协议。 EOSIO is a protocol designed for fast and free blockchain apps.

什么是EOSIO和EOS? What are EOSIO and EOS?

EOSIO是一个为了支持快速、免费和安全的区块链应用而设计的区块链协议。EOS则是其中一个基于EOSIO协议的区块链应用; EOS这个名字同时也是这个应用的代币。 EOSIO is a blockchain protocol designed for fast, free, and secure applications. EOS is a popular blockchain that uses the EOSIO protocol; it’s also the name of the blockchain’s system token.

什么是委托权益证明DPOS? What is Delegated Proof of Stake,

DPOS委托权益证明是EOSIO协议的共识模型,可以确保基于EOSIO的区块链能够快速和高效的运行。简单来说,和比特币等公链不同, EOS区块链是运行在21个“中心”节点上的,普通的用户即EOS代币持有者可以投票来选择这个21个节点。 Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is EOSIO’s consensus model. It helps ensure EOSIO blockchains operate quickly and efficiently.

什么是EOS代币? What is the EOS token?

EOS代币是运行在EOS区块链上。转账EOS快速而且是免费的,让用户和开发者可以生成运行在EOS上面的资源。 EOS is a cryptocurrency running on the EOS blockchain. It’s fast, free to transfer, used for governance, and lets users and developers generate the resources they need to run applications on EOS.

EOSIO资源:CPU,NET,RAM: CPU, NET, and RAM: Resources on EOSIO

在EOSIO上运行应用需要3个资源:CPU,NET和RAM。 Running an application on EOSIO requires 3 resources: CPU, NET, and RAM.

基于EOSIO开发开发应用 Developing apps with EOSIO

EOSIO是基于大规模扩展的现实世界的区块链应用而设计的协议,开发者可以基于EOSIO协议开发自己的区块链,也可以开发运行在EOS上面的应用, 可以兼容所有基于EOSIO的区块链。 EOSIO is designed for large-scale, real-world blockchain applications.


什么是DAI? What is Dai?

DAI是去中心化的稳定币,运行在以太坊上,目的是跟1对1的跟美元锚定。 Dai is a decentralized stablecoin running on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to always be worth one US dollar.

DAI是用来做什么的? What is Dai used for?

有很多理由来使用DAI而不是美元法币,它是无国界的,可编程的并且是有抵押背书的。并且它可以存储在虚拟币钱包中,不需要任何银行帐号。 There are many reasons to use Dai instead of dollars. It’s borderless, programmable, and collateralized. Plus it can be held in a crypto wallet — no bank account required.

DAI怎么保持稳定的? How does Dai stay stable?

DAI的稳定币价格是由世界上最大的一个去中心化应用,即开源项目Maker来保证的.DAI是通过在Maker上开一个Collateralized Debt Position (CDP)帐号来生成的。 Dai’s stable price is made possible by one of the world’s largest decentralized applications, an open source project called Maker.


什么是 MakerDAO

MakerDAO是一个去中心化的组织,其使命是实现更大的财务自由。 它使用Maker协议以及两个原生代币MKR和DAI,以允许任何人通过提供抵押品来借钱。

Maker 治理

MakerDAO 的任何升级都是由MKR持有者组成的社区来决定的。该系统的结构旨在奖励谨慎的管理,并始终确保Dai得到充足抵押品的背书。


通过提供安全、可靠和透明的金融工具,MakerDAO 希望为全世界的用户增强经济能力。


什么是Orchid? What is Orchid?

Orchid是一个新的点对点的隐私工具,包括VPN服务和其他功能特性,可以让用户控制自己的网络连接。 Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool that includes a VPN and other features that put users in control of their Internet connection.

怎么使用Orchid? How do you use Orchid?

为了使用Orchid来保证网络隐私,你需要Orchid的以太坊代币-OXT,以及Orchid app和WEB3钱包。 To connect to the internet privately with Orchid, you’ll need Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.

How does Orchid keep data private? Orchid怎么保证数据隐私?

Orchid币比传统VPN服务更能保护用户隐私是基于:使用OXT作为支付手段从而不需要暴露个人的银行卡和其他信息,同时还支持宽带服务商的多跳的配置 Orchid keeps data more private than traditional VPN services by using OXT for payments and support for multihop configurations between bandwidth providers.




Compound 是运行在以太坊上的协议,可以让个人、开发者或者应用程序通过虚拟币获取利息而不需要依赖于任何第三方。跟传统的money market有点类似,不同在于,不限于某家银行,全世界都可以共用这个系统,并且允许开发者进行开发。

Compound is a protocol running on Ethereum that lets individuals, developers, and applications earn interest on their crypto without relying on third parties.

使用Compund借贷 Borrowing crypto with Compound


(提供collateral资产然后借贷称之为over-collateralized lending,比如存入eth,可以借贷USDT,当然为了控制风险不是1:1,而是引入了collateral factor,比如0.75,然后compound是每个区块根据供需来算利息)

In addition to earning interest, the Compound protocol also lets individuals, developers, and applications borrow crypto via a series of interest rate markets.

什么是COMPd代币?What is the COMP token?


COMP is an Ethereum token that enables community governance of the Compound protocol. COMP holders have the exclusive right to propose and vote on changes to the protocol.


官网: http://kyber.network/



兑换dapp: https://kyberswap.com/swap

Kyber is a decentralized protocol that aims to make exchanging Ethereum tokens easy and frictionless.

什么是KNC What is KNC?

KNC是以太坊代币,用来治理kyber协议,从而形成一个所谓的kyber DAO自治组织,KNC的持有者可以抵押代币用来为协议升级投票,从而可以获取奖励,奖励来自前面的去中心化交易费用。

投票地址: kyber.org

Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) is the Ethereum token that’s used to govern the Kyber protocol. KNC holders can stake their tokens to vote on changes to the protocol and earn rewards.

Kyber如何赋能DeFi How does Kyber power DeFi?


Kyber helps power decentralized finance (DeFi) by providing liquidity to a wide range of services running on Ethereum, including apps, wallets, and exchanges.




DAO: https://mainnet.aragon.org/#/