1. Key concepts:

EOA: Ether owner account

1. Fungible token - ERC20 - EIP20

https://github.com/ethereum/eips/issues/20 https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md

1.1 Anatomy

https://medium.com/@jgm.orinoco/understanding-erc-20-token-contracts-a809a7310aa5 mapping<address, balance> Name symbol decimal (decide by purpose) Total supply Increase: mint Decrease: burn

Function: balanceOf() transfer() two party, message sender to another address Be aware that, when a EOA call transfer function directly, the sender is the EOA, But if in smart contract function ABC() calls transfer(), the sender is always this contract In EOS, in function ABC() you can call transfer() with another one’s permission granted to the contract approve() allowance() transferFrom() three party, msg.sender, from address, to address, transFrom is usually used at exchange, deposit and withdraw in represent of token owner This is kind of permission control, Think about how EOS achieve this, permission control

Event: These can be used to keep track of balance and allowance changes for addresses without needing to poll the blockchain. Transfer() Approval()

Address(0): Minting tokens emits a Transfer() event with the 0 address as the source. balances[minter] = balances[minter].add(mintAmount) emit Transfer(0,minter,mintAmount) There is no event emitted when tokens are burned. Due to this, ERC-20 token contracts that burn tokens commonly transfer() the tokens to the 0 address in lieu of real burning. Total supply no change, because address(0) also included in the mapping records


Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts. Notes on getting started : Part 11. Some intermediate considerations. https://medium.com/@k3no/ethereum-tokens-smart-contracts-743b8b634e7a 终极指南https://blockgeeks.com/guides/ethereum-token/ Ethereum smart service payment with tokens https://medium.com/@jgm.orinoco/ethereum-smart-service-payment-with-tokens-60894a79f75c


?:How if the sender who call transfrom(from, to, value) and from is himself? Will fail

?: Send token to a contract address Attention! Be careful using Ethereum tokens. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/60ql37/attention_be_careful_using_ethereum_tokens/

?: transfer token to the token contract itself(not the EOA/admin account who deploy it) Intially all the token belongs to admin,here the msg.sender is admin,and how about transfer(EIP20_address,token amount)?

It doesn’t matter whether the contract has fallback, because only ether require fallback, token no need,refer to”Deposit and withdraw token / escrow token”

My anwser https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/46457/send-tokens-using-approve-and-transferfrom-vs-only-transfer/61362#61362 https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/25891/unable-to-transfer-ether-from-one-contract-to-another/61423#61423

1.2 Issue token

Mainstream Standard

There are already plenty of ERC20-compliant tokens deployed on the Ethereum network. Different implementations have been written by various teams that have different trade-offs: from gas saving to improved security. Official Implementation https://www.ethereum.org/token ConsenSys ERC20 Implementation Latest: https://github.com/ConsenSys/Tokens Humanstandard: https://github.com/ConsenSys/Tokens/tree/humanstandard/Token_Contracts/contracts https://github.com/ConsenSys/Tokens/blob/fdf687c69d998266a95f15216b1955a4965a0a6d/contracts/eip20/EIP20.sol OpenZeppelin implementation https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/blob/9b3710465583284b8c4c5d2245749246bb2e0094/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/StandardToken.sol

ICO implementation end to end

ICO stands for a token or cryptocurrency initial offering crowdsale. It is a common method in blockchain space, decentralized applications and in-game tokens for bootstrap funding of your project. https://github.com/TokenMarketNet/ico

Open Source Dashboard and smart-contract for your ICO https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3009880.0 https://github.com/JincorTech/backend-ico-dashboard - Backend https://github.com/JincorTech/frontend-ico-dashboard - Frontend https://github.com/JincorTech/ico - Smart-contracts

zipper https://github.com/zipperglobal/zipt_token loopring https://github.com/Loopring/ico


Zilliqa Token Audit https://docs.zilliqa.com/ZKLabs-Zilliqa-Audit.pdf Polymath Audit https://blog.zeppelin.solutions/polymath-audit-be55e9936aba other https://blog.coinfabrik.com/dreamteam-token-audit/

1.3 Use Token

  1. Use token with ether Refer to my TokenShop implementation Still the gas has to pay with ether https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/23420/using-token-vs-ether-in-contract Deposit and withdraw token / escrow token / https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/46318/how-can-i-transfer-erc20-tokens-from-a-contract-to-an-user-account

2.Use token without ether You don’t Need Ether to Transfer Tokens https://hackernoon.com/you-dont-need-ether-to-transfer-tokens-f3ae373606e1, https://github.com/dreamteam-gg/smart-contracts/ Announcing The ERC-20 Transporter — Now Anyone Can Send ERC-20 Tokens Without Holding ETH https://hackernoon.com/announcing-the-erc-20-transporter-now-anyone-can-send-erc-20-tokens-without-holding-eth-1c1aae361e89 https://github.com/bokkypoobah/BokkyPooBahsTokenTeleportationServiceSmartContract

Example: WETH

All of decentralized finance (DeFi) is built upon smart contracts, which can be thought of as decentralized programs. Those smart contracts are designed to handle ERC-20 tokens. ERC-20 is a token standard, a kind of blueprint that is universally recognized not only on the Ethereum blockchain, but many other compatible blockchains such as Avalanche and Polygon. The ERC-20 standard allows the efficient building of software, for example getting rid of custom code that would be needed to handle each new token. Since ETH is the Ethereum native currency, and because it preceded the development of the ERC-20 standard, it isn’t ERC-20 compatible. This means custom software would have to be written on every DeFi decentralized application (DApp) in order to accept ETH. Instead, a smart contract was written that envelopes ETH in an ERC-20 wrapper so that any DApp with ERC-20 support can effectively support ETH.

2. Fungible token: ERC223

1) you can’t react on any incoming transactions, as it’s just a change in the bookkeeping 2) if you transfer tokens to a contract, the only entity that can transfer them from the contract to another address would be the contract. If your contract doesn’t know how to do this (which most contracts can’t), the tokens would be stuck forever.

3. Non fungible token: ERC721

https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/721 https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-721.md

3.1 Anatomy

https://medium.com/crypto-currently/the-anatomy-of-erc721-e9db77abfc24 https://medium.com/decentraland/dars-nfts-and-the-new-erc-721-132a705eab42

**basic **

mapping (uint256 => address) internal idToOwner; tokenID => owner mapping (address => uint256) internal ownerToNFTokenCount; compatible to erc20, balance/quantity of token mapping (uint256 => address) internal idToApprovals; can transfer mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) can transfer and operate internal ownerToOperators; equivalent to EOS permission level


Enumeration: mapping(address => uint256[]) internal ownerToIds; Mapping from owner to list of owned NFT IDs. Metadata: storing data on the blockchain that tell the defining characteristics of each token is extremely expensive and not recommended. To combat this, we can store references, like an IPFS hash or HTTP(S) link, to each token’s attributes on the chain so that a program outside of the chain can execute logic to find more information about the token. These references are data about data, or metadata

3.2 Implement

https://github.com/0xcert/ethereum-erc721 cryptokitties

4.Non Fungible token: ERC873

5.Swap tokens

Atomic Swap Marketplaces for Non-Fungible Tokens https://hackernoon.com/test-bd14e0e1170d