回目录 《以太坊:深度解析》
How does EIP become ERC? Ethereum Request for Comment (ERC) is one type of EIP that sets application-level standards such as contract and token standards. An EIP can only become an ERC once the on-chain governance authorizes the change.
Difficulty bomb Uncle block https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/56338/block-time-and-confirmation-time
以太坊(Ethereum) 的执行交易性能瓶颈 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/39262324
去中心化交易所 Etherdelta 工作原理与设计架构 https://m.8btc.com/etherdelta?from=singlemessage
以太坊源代码 - RPC服务实现框架 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kpqkV4wUWIRRf5GrLSxMqg 干货|区块链游戏谜恋猫 CryptoKitties 剖析(分享实录) https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Dak-dxuAYQCG7YTWh2wCGQ
企业以太坊联盟:区块链挑战者 EEA