wireshark + windows TCP viewer wireshark + [linux netstat]
How to Decrypt SSL with Wireshark
monitor mode
capture network: You can run Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden in Windows PowerShell and match up the Name property. The InterfaceDescription property is what will be displayed in the Device Manager.
https://wiki.wireshark.org/DisplayFilters https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/using-wireshark-display-filter-expressions/
http contains searchText
ip.addr == and not tcp.port in {80 25}
not ssh and ip.addr ==
Wireshark 手动修正乱序和重传 考虑到 TCP 乱序、重传场景的复杂性,在 TCP 分析中对于 TCP Spurious Retransmission、TCP Out-Of-Order、TCP Fast Retransmission、TCP Retransmission 等是在一起判断并标记相关类型的,而在不少场景还会有判断出错的问题,当然 Wireshark 考虑到这种情况,也有手动修正的选项,这正好也侧面证明了上面的说法,关于 TCP 乱序、重传的复杂性。
选取 TCP 数据包之后,通过 Menu -> Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> TCP -> Force interpretation to selected packet(s) ,包括以下选项:0(none)、1(Out-of-Order)、2(Retransmission)、3(Fast Retransmission)、4(Spurious Retransmission)。
选取 TCP 数据包之后,直接右键 -> Protocol Preferences -> Transmission Control Protocol -> Force interpretation to selected packet(s) ,同样包括以下选项:0(none)、1(Out-of-Order)、2(Retransmission)、3(Fast Retransmission)、4(Spurious Retransmission)。