回目录 《架构》

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我们谈过分布式系统,谈过并发和并行, 也谈过微服务框架spring cloud微服务框架, 前面说了很多“系统system”、“框架Framework”,现在来站的更高一层谈谈“架构architecture”(跟前面提到第四层架构师的工作不同,这里是更高层次的抽象)

谈到架构默认就是 OOA - object-oriented architecture

面向过程是算法模型,面向对象是交互模型。 面向对象的封装,继承,多态是在架构起到很大作用,按对象和类形成多种设计模式。这是架构的核心。

面向切面 AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming) complements OOP by enabling modularity of cross-cutting concerns. The Key unit of Modularity(breaking of code into different modules) in Aspect-Oriented Programming is Aspect. one of the major advantages of AOP is that it allows developers to concentrate on business logic. It is more convenient to use because changes need to be done in only one place. Note: Cross cutting concerns are one of the concerns in any application such as logging, security, caching, etc. They are present in one part of the program but they may affect other parts of the program too. AOP is used along with Oop as it also works around classes and objects, etc. We can also say that Oop is a basic term for AOP. Different Frameworks used in Aop are AspectJ, JBoss, and Spring. AOP makes the program loosely coupled. AOP separates business logic from cross-cutting concerns.

1. Terminology

architecture VS framework 首先架构跟框架的关系,简单说就是架构是设计蓝图, 框架是摸得到看得到的建筑脚手架和钢筋结构;一个是概念类,一个是实例;

**Architectural Styles vs. Architectural Patterns vs. Design Patterns ** https://herbertograca.com/2017/07/28/architectural-styles-vs-architectural-patterns-vs-design-patterns/


patterns vs frameworks Patterns: facilitate reuse of architecture and design in similar contexts Framework: facilitate reuse of detailed design and code in related applications.

Levels of Abstraction–Patterns can be classified by the level of abstraction of the problem they solve: Architecture - organizes a system as a set of communicating subsystems. Design - solves a design problem using a set of communicating design objects Framework - solves a specific domain problem using a set of communicating design patterns. Implementation - solves an implementation problem using platform/language-specific features

2. Principles

todo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B01BZttEuPVvR2V5QnZXXzlTYUE/view?ths=true

Single-Responsibility Separate of concern (interception,cross-cutting concerns: logging, auditing, access control, validation) High level objects don’t care the detail of lower level objects ( IOC) Liskov substitution principle Open/Closed Principle - programming to an interface - Loose coupling responsibility and segregation

3. High level design - Architectural Patterns and Styles

3.1 Architecture Style

Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/msp-n-p/ff650706(v%3dpandp.10)



3.2 Samples

3.2.1 SOA VS Microservices


3.2.2 CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation

Principle: responsibility and segregation

https://kalele.io/blog-posts/really-simple-cqrs/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/patterns/cqrs

4. Detail design - technical architecture

4.1 N-tier

Presentation Layer MVC, Domain Object(Domain objects can have logic (depending on whether you are using domain-driven design or have anemic data model) and they are usually related to the database structure.) Application layer / service layer Business Layer Business Object DTO (DTOs don’t have any logic. They only have fields (state). They are used when transferring data from one layer/subsystem to another) Data Access Layer DAO The Data Access Layer(DAL) is the layer of a system that exists between the business logic layer and the persistence / storage layer. A DAL might be a single class, or it might be composed of multiple Data Access Objects(DAOs). It may have a facade over the top for the business layer to talk to, hiding the complexity of the data access logic. It might be a third-party object-relational mapping tool(ORM) such as Hibernate. Persistence Layer ORM(Entity framework) (POCO/entity)

1. MVC framework is for Presentation layer
2. About Persistence layer 
	a. PL == DAL
	b. PL == Storage, BL - DAL - PL

what is the difference between 3 tier architecture and a mvc? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10739914/what-is-the-difference-between-3-tier-architecture-and-a-mvc

At first glance, the three tiers may seem similar to the model-view-controller (MVC) concept; however, topologically they are different. A fundamental rule in a three tier architecture is the client tier never communicates directly with the data tier; in a three-tier model all communication must pass through the middle tier. Conceptually the three-tier architecture is linear. However, the model-view-controller MVC architecture is triangular: the view sends updates to the controller, the controller updates the model, and the view gets updated directly from the model.

4.3 BL/DAL/PL - patterns

Domain layer(Domain Driven Design) Domain Module Pattern Table Module Pattern Transaction Script Pattern

BL/DAL: Data Layer: DAO pattern VS Repository(+unitOfWork) pattern Key Word: Long connection, short connection, connection pool, connection time out,thread safe DTO, DAO, Repository, ORM, leaky abstraction,code duplication,abstraction inversion

Concerns: resource consuming(frequency of opening/closing connection), too many calculation logic in DB(SP) may cause time out issue, concurrency issue,avoid sharing connections between threads(seems no need to concern this,connection drivers already handle it very well) leaky abstraction(The SQL language abstracts away the procedural steps for querying a database, allowing one to merely define what one wants. But certain SQL queries are thousands of times slower than other logically equivalent queries. On an even higher level of abstraction, ORM systems, which isolate object-oriented code from the implementation of object persistence using a relational database, still force the programmer to think in terms of databases, tables, and native SQL queries as soon as performance of ORM-generated queries becomes a concern.)

Tools: DB Profile, db connector Framework: ORM: ORMLite, Asp.Net Entity Framework, Comparison of object-relational mapping software Common Data Access Layer: ClownFish MySQL Connector/Net Design Guidelines&Patterns: Chapter 8: Data Layer Guidelines Appendix C: Data Access Technology Matrix Writing a Portable Data Access Layer Mapping Objects to Relational Databases: O/R Mapping In Detail Decisions on DAO pattern VS Repository(+unitOfWork) pattern My previous school assignment was using DAO pattern. JSP Servlets send http request, controllers process request, forward to other controllers if needed, controllers call delegates which will invoke relevant services, services call dao(dao interface implemented by daoImpl), dao will do the crud operation. DAO would be considered closer to the database, often table-centric. Repository would be considered closer to the Domain, dealing only in Aggregate Roots. A Repository could be implemented using DAO’s, but you wouldn’t do the opposite. –quotes from stackoverflow Datalayer Decisions (Repository, DAO, Services) in Domain-Driven-Design Applications DB Features: MongoDB: Support asynchronous connection

references: SQL Server Connection Pooling (ADO.NET) Go’s Connection Pool, Retries, and Timeouts ClownFish:比手写代码还快的通用数据访问层 some misunderstanding and arguments: DAO vs ORM(hibernate) pattern

Data Access Layer to Business Layer: Repository Pattern:

Key Focus: 1.Loosely coupled system : components have little or no knowledge about the rest of the components in the application. 2.Ease of maintain Advantage: 1.Different components can be changed in isolation without affecting the rest of the components thus making application easier to maintain. 2.It is more suited to the agile methodology in which changes happen very frequently thus tight coupling will not allow future enhancement. 3.Creating mock tests is easier as the actual objects can be easily replaced with mock objects.

question: repository vs dal/orm ? repository with DDD? repository and business logic ? dbcontext vs repository?

from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14092234/how-does-the-repository-pattern-differ-from-a-simple-data-access-layer::

Take a look at the “Using the IQueryable interface” section and beyond at Extending and Enhancing the Orders and Registrations Bounded Context. It provides an insightful and balanced discussion of DAO/Repository implementations. As subsequently highlighted by Bob Horn, the Persistence Patterns articles summarises that: [highlight]Basically, the Repository pattern just means putting a façade over your persistence system so that you can shield the rest of your application code from having to know how persistence works.[/highlight] In general I agree with author’s statements, but I’d like to add some details Difference between Repository and DAL/ORM that first not only abstracts the persistence mechanism, but also provides collection-like interface for accessing domain objects … andisolates domain objects from details of the database access code: Differences For external layers, such as Business Logic: ● Helps to avoid leaky abstraction. External layers depend on abstraction of Repository, rather than a specific implementation of DAL/ORM. Thus you could avoid all infrastructure and logical dependencies while working with Repository. ● operates with domain objects, rather then a instances of POJO/POCO/DTO ● CRUD operations applied to collection-like interface provided by Repository, rather then specificDAL/ORM methods. For example .net: working with collection that implements IEnumerable, rather then entity-framework context or nhibernate session Similarities Repository contains DAL/ORM underneath and serves same purpose

From msdn

Use a repository to separate the logic that retrieves the data and maps it to the entity model from the business logic that acts on the model. The business logic should be agnostic to the type of data that comprises the data source layer. For example, the data source layer can be a database, a SharePoint list, or a Web service. The repository mediates between the data source layer and the business layers of the application. It queries the data source for the data, maps the data from the data source to a business entity, and persists changes in the business entity to the data source. A repository separates the business logic from the interactions with the underlying data source or Web service. The separation between the data and business tiers has three benefits: ● It centralizes the data logic or Web service access logic. ● It provides a substitution point for the unit tests. ● It provides a flexible architecture that can be adapted as the overall design of the application evolves. There are two ways that the repository can query business entities. It can submit a query object to the client’s business logic or it can use methods that specify the business criteria. In the latter case, the repository forms the query on the client’s behalf. The repository returns a matching set of entities that satisfy the query. The following diagram shows the interactions of the repository with the client and the data source. Interactions of the repository

EF/Nhibernate/Dapper already using repository pattern ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19796223/repository-vs-service-pattern-in-dal-ef-and-dapper https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/572761/Generic-repository-pattern-using-EF-with-Dependenc ORM VS SQL/stored procedures Repository Pattern VS Sql Respository Pattern & Unit-of-work Pattern http://geekswithblogs.net/Aligned/archive/2013/03/12/herersquos-how-the-unit-of-work-is-useful-to-me.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd882510.aspx http://codetunnel.io/how-to-combine-the-unit-of-work-pattern-and-repository-pattern-in-an-easy-and-intuitive-way/ Unit of Work Concurrency

Generic Unit of Work & (Extensible) Repositories Framework https://genericunitofworkandrepositories.codeplex.com/ Generic Repository and Unit of Work Pattern, Entity Framework, Unit Testing, Autofac IoC Container and ASP.NET MVC http://techbrij.com/generic-repository-unit-of-work-entity-framework-unit-testing-asp-net-mvc The Repository Pattern https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff649690.aspx Design pattern – Inversion of control and Dependency injection http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/29271/Design-pattern-Inversion-of-control-and-Dependency Say No to the Repository Pattern in your DAL http://tech.pro/blog/1191/say-no-to-the-repository-pattern-in-your-dal https://cockneycoder.wordpress.com/2013/04/07/why-entity-framework-renders-the-repository-pattern-obsolete/

Business Layer - Facade Pattern:

Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Façade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.

Sessions in ASP.NET MVC using Dependency Injection Don’t Do Role-Based Authorization Checks; Do Activity-Based Checks

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Cross Cutting Layer - AOP

AutoFac/Unity Resolver Container ILifetimescope http://blog.darkthread.net/post-2013-11-03-autofac-notes-3-lifetime-scope.aspx http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/advanced/dependency-injection

Thinking out of box: DDD + EVENT BUS EVENT HANDLER + REPOSITORY The false myth of encapsulating data access in the DAL db connection long or short? default pool? queue? static class pros&cons (concurrency cache)

**DAL/PL: ** Data Mapper Pattern, ORM Pattern(entity framework or NHibernate), DAO Pattern

**PL/DB: ** ORM (vs Stored Procedure https://rob.conery.io/2015/02/20/its-time-to-get-over-that-stored-procedure-aversion-you-have/) .NET 主流的ORM:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000011676744 Dapper ClownFish:比手写代码还快的通用数据访问层 https://www.cnblogs.com/fish-li/archive/2012/07/17/ClownFish.html#!comments Entity framework (buit on ADO.NET https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22328889/entityframework-vs-pure-ado-net, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40506382/what-is-the-difference-between-an-orm-and-ado-net)

Perfomance DataReaders, Entity Framework, NHibernate and Dapper http://www.luisrocha.net/2011/12/data-access-performance-comparison-in.html https://github.com/lerocha/DotNetDataAccessPerformance/tree/c2a71ede37f3dd9ee437221a84054e504773b626

Refer: Pattern vs Data Mapper Pattern http://www.bradoncode.com/blog/2013/08/repository-vs-domain-model-vs-data.html

Generic repository pattern using EF with Dependency injection https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/572761/Generic-repository-pattern-using-EF-with-Dependenc Designing the infrastructure persistence layer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/microservices-architecture/microservice-ddd-cqrs-patterns/infrastructure-persistence-layer-design DAL、DAO、ORM、Active Record辨析 https://blog.csdn.net/suiye/article/details/7824943

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6732124/difference-between-transfer-objects-and-domain-objects PO, VO, TO, BO, DAO, POJO https://www.programering.com/a/MDM2kjNwATc.html DTO, DAO, and VO in Java https://www.quora.com/What-is-DTO-DAO-and-VO-in-Java

Repository pattern vs DAO pattern 4 Common Mistakes with the Repository Pattern https://programmingwithmosh.com/entity-framework/common-mistakes-with-the-repository-pattern/ Don’t use DAO, use Repository https://thinkinginobjects.com/2012/08/26/dont-use-dao-use-repository/

https://www.thoughtfulcode.com/orm-active-record-vs-data-mapper/ https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/aed501f8-d7e4-40d9-8a98-32c5cdc78243/help-with-the-orm-vs-stored-procedures-argument?forum=architecturegeneral https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-using-SQL-Stored-Procs-versus-ORM-for-database-quering DAO Pattern https://www.baeldung.com/java-dao-pattern

4.4 Communication Style

Webservice VS RPC, refer to java实用基础 IPC (microkernel) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication

5.Network/Physical design

《参考network部分内容》 DMZ区面向公网,核心区托管数据库等重要信息,办公区(公司内网)存放公司重要的内部信息(财务、法律文书、人力资源等),外网和办公区都只能通过DMZ访问核心区数据, 办公区跟外网需要做防火墙、硬盘加密;



Web framework https://iris-go.com/donate

architect will get evolved along with business growing when critical issues emerge. It’s impossible to design an architect which will keep unchanged for example, at the beginning we are limited to one server, some design can not be adopt to such situation which may be time consuming and meaningless. Layered Application Guidelines https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee658109.aspx#ServicesLayers


How a First Time CTO Can Choose the Right Techstack for Their Startup

对话独角兽得物(毒)App CTO 陈思淼:组建技术团队的十件事 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TNgbzCzqSCWy_ZcK_ZZC_w

Why We Leverage Multi-tenancy in Uber’s Microservice Architecture https://eng.uber.com/multitenancy-microservice-architecture/

.NET技术+25台服务器怎样支撑世界第54大网站 https://www.csdn.net/article/2014-07-22/2820774-stackoverflow-update-560m-pageviews-a-month-25-servers

可伸缩性最佳实践:来自eBay的经验 https://kb.cnblogs.com/page/157745/