:? ternary conditional operator
( ^ ) caret symbol
WSS websocket security WAF https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ddos/glossary/web-application-firewall-waf/
十进制:decimal 八进制:octonary 十六进制:hexadecimal 二进制:binary
`db-name` backticks apostrophes ‘
ACL: Access-control list ceding: If the race happens in a way that will leave the ceding master without slaves, as soon as the cluster is stable again the algorithm will be re-executed again and will migrate a slave back to the original master.
enclose 闭合 First, we accessed Local Storage from an application different from the one that added the storage, but in the same domain. To do that, we used window.localStorage.MessageOfTheDay, taking the key value as the object name and referencing it directly as a member of Local Storage. For the Session Storage, we had to move to the window that created the storage and exploit a vulnerability there; here, we used a different instruction to get the value we wanted: window.sessionStorage.getItem(“Secure.AuthenticationToken”. Both forms (key as a member of the class and getItem) are valid for both types of storage. We used getItem in the session because the key includes a period (.), and this would be processed as an object/property delimiter by the JavaScript interpreter, so we needed to use getItem to enclose it in colons.
Open-source intelligence (OSINT)
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs, for short) https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/vlans-sysadmins-basics
ROM RAM(DRAM, SRAM) https://blog.csdn.net/hcx25909/article/details/7103205
Technology agnostic
NICs (network interface cards) NIO non-blocking IO
Discretionary access control mandatory access control
ocr optical character recognition https://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/
command palette 命令输入框
FQDN: A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is the complete address of an internet host or computer. It provides its exact location within the domain name system (DNS) by specifying the hostname, domain name and top-level domain (TLD).
i386 refers to the 32-bit edition and amd64 (or x86_64) refers to the 64-bit edition for Intel and AMD processors.